Five Donohue wastewater professionals will be sharing technical presentations as part of the virtual Indiana Water Environment Association’s annual conference. Brief summaries of the presentations follow.
Creating a Solids Future The Holland Board of Public Works’ (HBPW) Water Resource Recovery Facility is a 12-mgd pure oxygen treatment facility along the picturesque coastline of Lake Macatawa. For many years, the facility has managed their solids by dewatering thickened primary and waste activate sludge, performing lime stabilization, and then land applying on farm fields or local landfills. Due to rising operational costs associated with this methodology, HBPW concluded that a different future path was needed to limit costs outside of their control and address potential future regulatory limits. Trent Montemayor will discuss the challenging aspects associated with this project.
Why is my Pump Station Not Operating at Design Capacity? Troubleshooting a Pump Station’s Operation This presentation by Greg Garnes is a case study of a pump station that was not operating at design capacity after construction. The lift station had a design capacity of approximately 900 gpm; however, the observed capacity was approximately 650 gpm with Pump 1 running. Similarly, Pump 2 produced only 530 gpm. A hydraulic analysis included system and pump curves calculations, piping design review, operation, valve status, pump data, hydraulic grade line, high point analysis, air scour, as-built data, and numerous field tests. The presentation will explore important design considerations for any pump station.
WWTP Secondary System Upgrades in Cereal City! The City of Battle Creek’s Wastewater Treatment Plant retained Donohue to assist in developing and implementing a Capital Improvement Plan that included upgrades to the secondary treatment system. Emily Wehmeyer will describe the evaluation, design and construction challenges, and project successes.
Let’s Try This Again - LTCP Compliance Plan and Plant Improvements Revisited Paul Elling will discuss how Donohue assisted the Town of South Whitley in developing a LTCP Compliance Plan in conformance with an Agreed Order signed by the Town in 2016. After plan approval, design work began and the project is currently nearing completion.
Solids Thickening Results in Flow Maximization? Katherine Merkle will discuss the thickener technologies considered for this Richmond Sanitary District project and will review the design, sizing, and location challenges for the thickener, construction challenges encountered, thickener performance to date, and benefits to overall plant operations.
About IWEA Annual Conference Presentations: The Every Waterway Matters: A Virtual Tour will be provided online to registered individuals on August 26th and attendees have the ability to watch the presentations at their leisure until December 18th.
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